African American History

1. To justify slavery, many southern slave owners said that black people had never created any civilization. Comment on this. A civilization is used to name some society that has its own culture and towns, cities, ability to govern and…

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Astronomy Lab

Phase I 1        Stars do not produce light but reflect it from the sun, during day time stars are invisible due to the excessive light from the sun. The sun is the only star which produces light. Other stars and…

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Benefits of the National Health Information System

A national health information system (NHIS) is one of the most efficient systems that provides individuals with available information about the state of the health in their country thereby protecting them from all possible dangers that can influence their health.…

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Bernie Madoff

Many people think that Bernard Madoff had stolen $65 billion. He is also considered the greatest villain of our time. Madoff’s name was heard from every TV or radio channel. Some think that such big money could have changed the…

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Black Freemasonry In Post Civil War Era

The Prince Hall branch of the freemasons is believed to have a great impact on historical aspects of the African American community in the years of Reconstruction. These prominent people enriched the post Civil War history with their devoted attempts…

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Nowadays, bullying is a global problem. It is a universal, wide-spread phenomenon that has persisted for hundreds of years and currently takes place in various cultures and age groups; however, it is most vivid in youth. Unfortunately, bullying tends to…

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Criticism is a very important phenomenon in the world’s culture and it plays an essential role in the development of highly qualified works. All its tasks combine such actions as giving an artwork some value, appreciating it, or giving a…

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Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is indeed an important goal that a business organization would have to attain constantly for the achievement of success. It is usually gauged with the rate of complaints from customers about the service or product that is provided…

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Do Professional Athletes Get Paid too much Money?

      Introduction Sports are one of the most common and popular activities that people indulge in. At a professional level, however, there are limited positions for individuals who manage to make a living from their sports activities. Thus,…

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Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems

A domestic solar hot water system is one of the most effective ways of reducing costs from electric, gas and propane sources. This system uses energy from the sun and heat domestic hot water. Moreover, this way of domestic heating…

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Double Mass Spring and Damper System

Definition and Importance Matlab, short word form for the Matrix Laboratory, is a software system or environment developed by Math Works and consists of a high level programming language that aids in the computations of the numerical date and general…

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Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Beau Rivage Hotel

Introduction The world has witnessed an increase in crisis of all kinds, ranging from slow and expected, to those that strike without warning (Coombs, 2014). A crisis affects people’s everyday lives and causes destruction of property and environment. Crisis can…

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Emergence of Media and Technology and Sports Marketing

Introduction Nowadays, the media have a significant impact on the public consciousness, due to the ability to cover a broad audience quickly and to the fullest extent. The era of mass media has radically changed lives of people. Modern media…

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Gender and Fisheries

Fisheries are critical to the economic welfare of any nation and especially among many rural people in the third world nations. Aquaculture and capture fisheries offer direct job opportunities for more than 200 million persons. Most of these people work…

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Heart and Lungs

1) Cardiovascular system consists of blood, blood vessels and heart. Human beings have a ‘closed circulatory system’. During its entire trip around the body, the blood remains in blood vessels and never comes in direct contact with the tissue cells.…

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How Gender, Race and Family Relationship Influence Fingerprint Patterns

Introduction Finger prints are a unique DNA structure in human beings. Each individual has unique finger print pattern as evidenced by the identification criteria used by various entities. The question that lingers in each and every individual is one relating…

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Human Activity and Climate Change

Nowadays, the climate change is an extremely hot topic. The humanity is developing rapidly, surrounding themselves with various appliances, while almost all production processes are carried out by burning of fossil fuels. Moreover, the majority of transportation facilities use various…

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Human Development Indicators

Part 1. The first part of this paper will analyze the human development indicators for Australia. They are following: 1) Life expectancy at birth – 81, 9 years (male: 79.48 years, female: 84.45 years; country comparison to the world: 9…

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Inclusion Observation

Recently psychologists and teachers together with doctors mark steady increasing number of children with learning disabilities. I attended a general class in Rowen elementary school, first grade of student that includes several children with learning disabilities. The features of these…

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Internal and External Validity

Validity is essentially a complex characteristic, including, on the one hand, information about the suitability of the method for measuring the purpose for which it was created, and on the other hand, what are its effectiveness, efficiency, and practical utility.…

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Introduction to Society and Culture

Introduction Society and culture are broad topics connected and summarize the livelihood of human beings. The following essay answers six questions that relate to culture and society based on different contexts. Question 1 In the beginning of this semester, we…

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Ishikawa Research Paper

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa is one the most significant names within the quality control field. Ishikawa dramatically increased the product quality level of global corporations. His ideas concerning the Total Quality Management are very popular even now. The doctor helped to…

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Karl Marx and His Influence on Society

Karl Marx was a German social scientist, economist and philosopher. He was born in 1818 in Prussia in a rich middle-class family. Marx studied in Berlin, Bonn and Jena. Later he lived in Paris, London and other European cities. He…

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Learning to Fall

Once my friend said, “Our life is the most expensive gift we have received”. He was quite right but unfortunately nowadays we forget about this unique gift. More often we spend so much of our precious days earning as much…

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Limiting Screen Time

The topic question of this research is “Should I limit the amount of screen time (TV, computer, video games, etc.) that my school age child has per day?” My personal answer to this question is “Yes, the screen time should…

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National Labor Relation Decisions

The National Labor Relations Board came to a decision and made an order for the respondent Crystal Soda Water Co, Inc. that due to their unfair labor practices they should make whole its unit employees for any loss of earnings…

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Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is defined as a process of voluntarily or involuntarily signaling intent with the use of various forms of behavior other than words. Examples of nonverbal communication include some aspects of physical appearance, gestures, voice tone, or eye behavior.…

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Nursing Reflections on Moral Angst

It is generally known that today half of anencephalic babies are born alive. They can live for three or five days or very infrequent few are alive for months or years. Nobody knows why such children are born, but one…

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Perfect Communication

The two concepts that have been described here include the concept of perception checking (p. 130) and that of building empathy (p. 139). Perception checking facilitates understandings as it has been said in the text that -“The skill of perception…

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Philosophy: A Study of Alcohol and Utilitarianism

The interest in the study of moral philosophy has grown among alcoholics. Alcoholism as a health condition has been used by alcoholics to justify their harsh actions and behaviors (Tännsjö, 2001). The actions of an alcoholic and his/her behavior have…

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Professional Practice Model

Overview of the Model The professional practice model (PPM) empowers the nurses to deliver quality health care through the change of how nursing is provided within an organization. This model provides the structures; values and the processes support the registered…

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Naturally, human body undertakes various changes during the process of growing, developing and maturing. It is a common knowledge that the body corresponds to its behavioral changes in relation to, for example, gender and age. This is the time when…

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Secrets of the Parthenon

The ancient temple Parthenon is located in Greece, on the Athenian Acropolis. It is also considered as the main monument of ancient Athens. Building of the temple was headed by the architect Kallikates. It lasted nine years and was completed…

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Super Bowl

Super Bowl commercials are always the most creative and appealing. The reason is at this period most people are watching national television. Thus, it is a perfect time for different advertising companies to present their new products on the screen.…

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Team Dynamics

Chapter one The class involved team work and the professor divided us in a different group. Our group comprised four people. In each group dynamic exists. We faced different challenges like some members failing to attend discussion sessions without apology. …

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The Effects of Bullying Behaviors in School Research Proposal

Introductory Section Literature Review Multiple studies have been conducted to assess bullying behaviors in school. The studies identified the origins of bullying mentality and various approaches that help in adopting particular forms of intervention. In contrast to the informational researches,…

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The Limitations of the Internal Control System

Internal control can be defined as the process put into effect by the management and other personnel in an organization that has been designed to provide an assurance concerning the reliability of financial records, effectiveness of operations and compliance with…

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The Mayans

David Hodell in the company of fellow scientists Jason Curtis and Mark Brenner performed radio carbon dating on remains gastropods and ostracods. These are remains that are usually considered to have lived for centuries. An oxygen isotope analysis of the…

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Unlimited Path, Inc. Evaluation Proposal

Introduction Treatment programs for criminal offenders who are imprisoned and released are in high demand across Florida and beyond. Both individuals and their families see the actual need to conduct rehabilitation or treatment programs to assist victims of criminal acts…

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US Custom and Border Protection Plan

1.Name of the Intern: US Custom and Border Protection Internship period: May 20, 2013 - August 24, 2013 2.Student’s learning goals and objectives. The internship with US Custom and Border Protection Unit will help in understanding the major operations in…

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What is an American?

Each person who feels that he is a real participant of the nation has ever thought about the essential question: “Who am I, an American person?” J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur in his Letters from an American Farmer had…

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What Motivates Users Spending More Time Playing Pokémon Go?

Abstract The contemporary society actively uses different digital technologies in order to make different spheres of life more convenient. At the same time, they can be used only for entertainment. Recently, traditional methods of entertainment such as computer and console…

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World Culture - Afro Caribbean Culture

Culture of such diverse peoples, who have come together in one place, culture, mix in all the colors of customs and manners characteristic to people survived the horror of the time: genocide, slaughter and slavery. Afro-Caribbean culture has developed under…

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Worldview Paper

Family roles are steady functions of the family system secured for all its members. Family role structure ascribes duties, commitments and obligations to each family member, and stipulates the sequence of their implementation. The notion of “role” covers wishes, aims,…

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The history of Jews is full of secrets. Everything experienced by the Jewish people can be used as a worthy example of firmness and true faith. Historians have done a lot of work describing the history of these people. However,…

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Zeus - the presiding deity, the son of the Titans Kronos and Rhea. He is the almighty Father of the Gods, the lord of the winds and clouds, rain, thunder and lightning. With the blow of scepter Zeus caused storms…

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