Applied Anthropology

Introduction Applied anthropology is one of the anthropological methods which uses theories and anthropological findings to solve human problems. This field of study uses culture of humankind, its history, diversity and social processes to provide the required analysis. The Department…

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Civilizational Dialogue

The clash of civilization is an argument that asserts that religious and cultural identities of people will be the reason behind the conflicts in the post-Cold War world. The clash of civilization theory was proposed by a political scientist Samuel…

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Counseling Interracial Couples and Families

Introduction A surge in a number of couples marrying across the racial lines has led to the alteration of the dynamics of conflicts occurring in various households. As a result, counseling as a profession is beginning to change. Zaker &…

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Muslim Community Diaspora

Currently, the term 'diaspora' has become significant with the migration of the Syrians to Europe in search of refuge to escape the civil war (Weine, 2012). Nevertheless, over the last few decades, the term has established a more direct meaning.…

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Reverse Culture Shock

Reverse culture shock can be defined as a situation where one’s emotions, psychology, and culture are at the state of reentry. In many cases, reverse culture shock goes unnoticed. Moreover, it is not understood by many people because of the…

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Rise of ISIS

Of late, the world has been shaken by the shocking and gruesome photos and videos that have introduced the viewers to the brutal terrorist group known as ISIS. Also known as Daesh, ISIL, or the Islamic State, this Islamist militant group…

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Social Identity

People’s identity and a sense of belonging are closely connected to the society they have grown up in and the race that defines their beliefs and values. Often, people will move from one location to the other, thus assimilating and…

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