A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Introduction “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” is James Joyce’s first significant novel. One the one hand, “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” mirrors the main character’s life and challenges he faced.  On the…

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Are We Puppets in A Wired World

Ethical Issues in “Are We Puppets in A Wired World” One of the ethical issues in the text is privacy and anonymity. People do not have the ability to determine what, when, and how to extend personal information that is…

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Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu

The theme of vampirism has emerged in literature throughout different ages. Sheridan Le Fanu was one of the pioneers who had written a Gothic story Carmilla, filled with horror. The work appeared to be one of the first stories based…

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Character analysis of Bill Miller in the short story "Neighbors" by Raymond Carver

Bill Miller is one of the main characters in the moral based story “Neighbors” by Raymond Carver. The second main character is his wife Arlene. They are fond of Stones, their neighbors and friends. It is to be noted that…

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I Ching

Introduction Divination refers to the reading of signs to attain guidance about the present situations and future events. There are many divination methods used in the world today. However, I Ching is being used all over world. It reveals cultural…

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Kate Chopin: The Story of an Hour

The Story of an Hour depicts the emotional experience of a young woman named Louise at the moment she got the news that her husband died in a train crash. After Louise has been informed by her sister Josephine of…

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The literature plays a great role in the modern society. By reading books people accrue interesting and useful information. The acquired knowledge can be applicable in everyday life. There are a lot of different types of literature, such as scientific,…

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The Issue of Genetics in Literature

Literature covers different themes, and genetics is one of them. Therefore, Simon Mawer’s novel “Mendel’s Dwarf” and Jeffrey Eugenides’s “Middlesex” are the works concerning this issue. The existence of such novels proves that science pervades literature. However, these compositions cover…

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The Journey of Dante and Odysseus

Among the many works of the great Renaissance poet Dante Alighieri (cycle of sonnets, ballads and canzone, philosophical and political treatises), the most significant is the “Divina Commedia”, an epic poem in three parts (“Inferno”, “Purgatorio”, “Paradiso”) which consists of…

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Victor Frankenstein

The Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus” tells the story of the life and work of Victor Frankenstein, who was able to revive the life in the human body, assembled from parts of dead people. However, after seeing…

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World Literature: Bhagavad Gita

INTRODUCTION Throughout the years, religious groups have used mythologies and narrations to explain and enlighten the human experience. Examples include the Babylonians with their Marduk tales, the Romans with the well-known legend about Romulus and Remus, and the Jews who…

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