
Question 1 Introduction The Mausoleum of Santa Costanza is considered to be more than just a building. It is also a principal treasure trove from early Roman Christian art. It was created in the 4th century for Costanza. Costanza was…

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Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)

Jackson Pollock was a very progressive artist for his time. To some people, his works may seem to be too simple or the ones that could have been painted by a child. However, Pollock mirrored the world as well as…

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Japanese Cinema and Novel

The Family Game Yoshimitsu Morita is a director of the movie. The movie was released in 1983. The film is about a family of Numata. The main heroes of the film are named Kosuke (a salaryman jerk), a mother named…

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Jazz Night

Introduction In a jazz night, the performers are always expected to do a great job so as to entertain and move the crowd. Jazz nights always have high attendance of young people who are usually enthusiastic and full of expectations.…

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