Writing an outline for an essay is a necessary and important step to take. It organizes the whole writing process and ensures that the essay will be more structured and organized. Writing an outline ensures that less time is spent on the development of ideas throughout the very process of writing. When there is an essay outline, all the writer has to do is to expand it by providing more details and adding examples and illustrations. With the help of an outline, a student will be able to cope with the writing task in a faster and more effective way.

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When you develop an outline for your essay, you will see a clear picture of your paper as a unity. Outline writing is an essential constituent of the prewriting process, which helps you to organize thoughts and ideas in a proper way. Many students think that the process of preparing an outline is time-consuming as you need first to write the outline and then the very essay. However, it is contrariwise as writing an outline greatly helps to economize time on essay writing. You do not need to think much in the process of writing – you just need to enrich your paper with more details, examples, and illustrations.

If the process of writing an outline is still tedious and complicated for you, it will be wiser and more reasonable to seek professional assistance from an outline writing service. Superb-Essays.com is one of such services that help you to deliver a detailed and clear outline. When you seek expert help from us, be sure that the outline will be properly structured and developed since our writers are well-aware of all guidelines and rules related to effective academic paper writing. If you want to search professional assistance, just send us a message saying, “Please write my outline on the given topic” and wait till you get a reply from one of writers.

If you have chosen to work on the outline individually without seeking some professional assistance, keep in mind that you need to be consistent and be aware of the main parts that should be included in the outline. Particularly, you need to formulate a strong and clear argumentative thesis statement, which addresses the main idea of the paper or conveys the central message. Afterwards, you need to decide how many body paragraphs you will have and thus provide corresponding topic sentences for each of them.


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How to Organize the Main Points in the Outline

As you have organized an outline, you will then have to explain and develop each point in the essay or a research paper. Make sure you provide sufficient explanations and convey the core idea clearly. If you use some examples from the outside sources, make sure to cite them properly and refer to the expert opinion. Make sure the citations you use are 100% relevant to the arguments and claims you convey. Besides, you cannot use quotations on their own but provide comments, explanations, and interpretations why you have used them. Introduction and conclusion should also be included in the outline (at least briefly). It will help you to save time in the actual writing process.

There are definitely students who overlook the whole process of outline writing and who tend to provide an essay in a straightforward manner. There are both pros and cons to this attitude. Regarding the advantages, it can definitely be easier and faster for a student to provide an essay in such way, especially if a student can organize all these issues in his/ her mind. In other words, if it suits you and you have adequate skills and practice for such a writing approach, you are free to use it. However, since it is challenging for most students to keep all important ideas in their minds, it is recommended to devise an outline and then be more relaxed when extending the outline into the essay.

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