The literature plays a great role in the modern society. By reading books people accrue interesting and useful information. The acquired knowledge can be applicable in everyday life. There are a lot of different types of literature, such as scientific, fiction, technical and educational literature. All of these styles have some exact aims. The advantage of using all its types seems to be obvious, but it is very hard to imagine the real influence of books on the person. Both the discussed statement and the studied books prove the fact that the literature shows the hidden features of human nature and gives the opportunity to analyze and better our behavior.
Literature is not only a description of the reality, it also adds necessary things to life which are hidden in everyday routine. Nowadays people are always busy trying to make their life better, but they stop paying attention to the important things. Sometimes the aspiration to become rich ruins the whole life as it happened to Mathilde, the main character of “The Necklace” (Maupassant 15-31). Occasionally, the desire to prove the innocence also leads to unjustified accusations. These issues were mentioned by Guy de Maupassant in the story “The Piece of String” (Maupassant 46-59). At times, the civilized and kind people have outrageously inhuman traditions, as was described in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson (24-37). Even these three mentioned issues which undoubtedly take place in a modern life and were described in the studied books prove the fact that the literature shows the hidden problems of society and makes the emphasis on the most notional of them. Accordingly, books help to expand our world view and give the opportunity to enrich our life with necessary, but forgotten things.
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The majority of human features is inconspicuous in ordinary life and becomes more obvious while reading books. The fiction literature plays not only the role of the entertainment, books can also show good and bad sides of the character’s nature. Thus, the actions of the thought-up person are analyzed by the reader who make its own opinion and can say what character was positive and what was negative one (Murphy 15-23). Mathilde in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant shows the reader her weak points; she had unrealizable dream to become extremely reach and because of that her life was destroyed (Maupassant 14-21). There are a lot of people who act the same way as Mathilde does. They do not realize the malignancy of their thoughts and continue to make similar mistakes. When this problem is mentioned in some books it becomes obvious, so the reader can assess it and compare with its own behavior (Bayard 12-31).
The literature shows us the human cruelty and its ability to hurt others, helps to realize our bad features and strike them. The shocking story written by Shirley Jackson shows how fierce a human can be. “The Lottery” collected a lot of wrathful reviews, but it truly describes the brutality of a crowd. On the one hand, when people are in some group they can easily lose their self-control and become extremely cruel. On other hand, there are plenty of examples of inhuman traditions, as described in “The Lottery” (Jackson 17-87). Nowadays the majority of countries have civilized traditions and correct legislation. In spite of this, we can see scores of horrifying facts, the same as described in the Jackson’s story. The author makes the emphasis on the cruelty of the crowd, thus it helps the reader to understand its moral and realize that our actions should be improved on.
Books help to analyze the behavior of characters and avoid making the same mistakes in the real life. Maitre Hauchecorne, the main character of “The Piece of String” by Guy de Maupassant, was not a bad man and did not have some annoying traits of the character. On the contrary, he was thrifty. Nevertheless, he was blamed groundlessly and everyone thought that he was guilty. Maitre Hauchecorne tried to prove his innocence, but gained a boomerang effect. It happened because of his behavior (Roberts 45-59). The same situations take place in the real life. When the person proves something actively, it seems that he or she lies. People always make this mistake but never pay attention to it. This problem has become a key point of the story. Thereby “The piece of string” describes the real issues of life and tries to pay attention to it in order to prevent the same mistakes in everyday intercourse.
Using all experience mentioned in fiction literature everybody can make its life better. Books describe all hidden features of human character and show us all sides of humanity. It helps to find out the problems and weaknesses of our own life. People, who read the literature, are smarter than others because they do not make mistakes which are described in books. The characters experience can be extremely useful in private communication and helps to better the relationships.