Free «Victor Frankenstein» Essay Sample

The Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus” tells the story of the life and work of Victor Frankenstein, who was able to revive the life in the human body, assembled from parts of dead people. However, after seeing that his creation was hideous and monstrous, the scientist left it and leaves the city in which he lived and worked. Nameless creature which was hated by people for its appearance soon begins to haunt its creator.

When discussing the Victor’s figure it is necessary to clarify that it is the name of the scientist, but not the creature, which mistakenly called Frankenstein (Shelley, 2003). The young scientist is the main, round character of the story. He is endowed with all needed features of the major personage. Victor encounters the desire to resurrect the human and this creature should be wonderful. Throughout the story the character is changed by the unpredictable circumstances. His intention to create a beautiful human was transformed into the fear before the anonymous being. Thus, this character was dynamic, which is one of the significant features of the main character. The major personage of every story tends to be more fully described thantwo-dimensional character. Victor was perfectly described by the author. All features of Frankenstein’s persona were highlighted and understandable for the reader. This fact is the good sign that he is the round character.

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Mary Shelley uses a lot of of tools and elements to develop this personage. The reader understands the Victor’s desire to make an impossible thing and he realizes the cause of his fear. Despite the fact that the most interesting happening of the story is the fantastic creation of the creature, the main problem of the fiction is Frankenstein’s felling concerning his aim and the failure to achieve the desired goal. The analysis of the experience of the major characters gives the opportunity to readers to feel his emotions wholly. In order to highlight this character among the other, the writer uses a number of descriptions. The whole story is fully connected with the Victor’s actions and the transformation of his feeling and desires. This fact proves that Frankenstein in the main character of the Mary Shelley’s novel.

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