Free «Product Analysis» Essay Sample


The analyzed product is Leica custom M7 camera. This is the film camera with old technologies and modern electronic advantages. This device is the re-creation of the old camera produced by the extremely famous company Leica in the seventies. This new version combines long ago traditions of the firm and new technologies, which gives the opportunity for customers to enjoy the perfection of shooting.

Product’s Physical Characteristics

Leica custom M7 is the 35mm interchangeable lens rangefinder film camera, next model after the Leica custom M6. The device was released in 2002 and still produced. Its shutter is 1/1000th to 1 second. The focus mode is only manual. ISO range is 6-6400. Its characteristics allow making high quality realistic photos. The number of shoots depends on the film.

Features of the Product

Despite the fact that nowadays film cameras are outdated and they were replaced by digital devices, this model has its own features, which may be crucial when choosing an exclusive product. The Leica custom M7 has numerous benefits. First, it is extremely durable. In accordance with users’ reviews this camera is almost never breaks down. In spite that this is the film camera, it has an electronic control, which makes possible to change the shooting mode. The tissue shutter works very quiet, fluently, and accurately compared with previous models. The bright flash second enables to make colorful pictures even at night. The camera has the improved adjustable viewfinder that combines the classic display with frame lines and manual metering and the digital indications which are very useful. Leica M7 is capable of DX film coding. It has the automatic stepless shutter with the aperture-priority autoexposure mode, which can be totally controlled by the photographer. Additionally, the producer offers the large assortment of high performance lenses.

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The weak point of this product is that the technology of film shooting is long been obsolete. The number of photos in digital cameras depends on the disk storage, which provides the possibility to make thousand photos. Unlike, with one film it is possible to make only around thirteen photos. Thus, the process of making photos with old cameras is much more complicated and expensive. Moreover, the price of Leica custom M7 is extremely high. For example, for the value of Leica M7 you can by somewhere about a twenty four usual digital cameras.

Product’s Benefits

Ordinary digital cameras perform several tasks. First, it enables to make a lot of proper and usual photos in unlimited quantities. Second, they are compact and cheap. Third, due to the fact that photos are digital, you can store it on the computer and share online. In addition, there is no need to use services of a photo studio in order to obtain print photos.

Nevertheless, nowadays there are few companies, which do not keep pace with the progress and produce film cameras. One of these business entities is Leica. Despite that the model M7 uses old technologies, it is very expensive and, at the same time, quite popular. The thing is this device does not compete with usual cameras. Its peculiarity is in the ability to make amazingly realistic photos without distortion, and color mismatch. It makes a fully realistic image. Additionally, a photographer enjoys the process of making photo using this device which is at the same time old and modern.

The Ratio Between the value and Benefits of the Product

Based on the foregoing issues, there are numerous of benefits, which enable Leica custom M7 to take its own individual place on the market. The price of this device can be compared with the cost of highly professional SLR cameras, or with the price of small used car. It is obvious that real production costs are significantly less than a half of its price, but it is usual that the reputable firm sells its products at a higher price. Furthermore, Leica Company is the well-known firm with decades of experience. There are some things which cost exorbitant amounts of money, but they always find their customers. Thus, it is not necessary to evaluate the Leica’s price and compare it with its benefits.

The Target Consumers

There are a lot of people around the world, who adore this type of technology and who are willing to buy it at any value. The purchaser of Leica custom M7 camera can be either a professional photographer or a nonpro. The first type of buyer doesn’t have the aim to carry out his or her occupation with the use of this camera, because it was not designed for this purpose. The aim of using it is not to make many usual photos, but to enjoy the photographing. The second part of vendee is the person without any professional knowledge concerning the photography, who doesn’t actually aware of all technical features of Leica. This is a reach person who wants to own an old-fashioned and branded thing, enjoys the process of making photos and likes the result of such actions. The target consumers of Leica custom M7 are basically middle-aged men.

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The Economic Analysis of the Product

A very high price of Leica M7 requires additional services. Besides a high-quality device and the reputable brand a buyer gets the list of product components, the so-called augmented product. Generally these terms refers to additional advantages of purchasing, such as warranty, insurance, customer service, complementary products, and accessibility.

When buying Leica M7 the manufacturer provides a 12 month guarantee. This period is not longer than a usual warranty term, which is offered by other companies. Moreover, some of the competitors ensure the longer period. As regards to the insurance, the producer doesn’t provide this option. The list of complementary products consists of the objective lens and the hood for it. Thus, the buyer of M7 doesn’t get any unique or extremely expensive supplements. The Leica Company has the wide network of certified retail outlets. In addition, the purchaser can offer the delivery anywhere in the city. The client is also provided with the professional service and repair. Leica’s centers are located in many big cities in America, Europe and Asia. It allows carrying out the rapid repairing and maintenance. If there are no centers in the client’s city, he or she has the option to undertake the contact with representatives of the firm via email, telephone of post, and, after that, to send the camera for repair or diagnostic.

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The hedonic value of analyzed product is more significant that the utilitarian value. It is obvious that the usual camera is designed to make photos. Leica M7 gives more to the owner. It allows obtaining photos of an amazing high quality. This feature of M7 is its utilitarian value. Nevertheless, if to take to account all difficulties with the exploitation of film camera, the user cannot use this device daily. Thus, this thing has a great utilitarian value which is connected with the pleasure of using the high-quality and extremely expensive camera.

The advertisement of Leica M7 shows its status and high quality without specifying on its performance. It is necessary, in order to show that this camera is one and only, and exactly this feature should be the basis for choosing it.


Based on the foregoing, there is the urgent need to emphasize that Leica custom M7 is the unique camera with its own features and advantages. As was mentioned, it works on the old film technology, which leads to numerous difficulties. In spite of this the device brings a lot of positive emotions and elevates the process of taking photos at an extremely high level. To own this camera means to have a high status in society. Consequently, there is no need to make a comparison between the price and benefits of this product.

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