Free «Analysis of Personal History of Known Serial Killers» Essay Sample

Adam (Red) Morgan

Adam Morgan was born on September 23, 1978. He was a famous serial killer. For today, Morgan is registered as a missing person. He has committed six murders. The last victim managed to escape from him and called the police. After that Adam Morgan was arrested (Boucher, 1962).

Family Life of the Criminal

According to Morgan’s biography, he had a mental disorder. In his childhood, Morgan was attacked by another killer, and this horrible event left a mark on his life. In spite of the fact that Adam had undergone a special treatment, he was mentally unbalanced. His girlfriend was one of his victims (Everitt, 1993). This demonstrates that Morgan could not get on well with other people or have a family. Presumably he lived alone and did not communicate with neighbors and relatives.

Educational Background of the Criminal

In 1998, Adam Morgan obtained a complete higher education in Ohio State University. He studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Subsequently he worked in the local telecasting studio. During the study he was described as a diligent and reliable student. Thus, the murderer was an educated person. This fact made him more dangerous, because Morgan could analyze his actions and carried out an effective concealment.

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Peer Relations

During the study Adam Morgan behaved adequately with his friends and girlfriend. People around him normally accepted his injuries. Morgan was described as a sociable and kind person. Nobody could assume that he would be the serial killer (Everitt, 1993).

Measures that Might Have Been Taken to Avoid Morgan’s Crimes

In the childhood, Adam Morgan and his brother were attacked by a maniac, and this caused him an irreparable moral trauma. Despite the fact that Morgan tried to live a normal life, he had regular mental seizures. The disease of mind made his normal social life impossible. Thus, the only measure was to send this person for the lifelong involuntary treatment.

Apprehending the Criminal

Adam Morgan was captured after an unsuccessful attempt to murder his last victim, Ellis Grain, who escaped from his asylum and called the police.

Holmes-DeBurger Typology of Serial Killers

Adam Morgan is a visionary serial killer. His mental disorder had a huge influence on his behavior.

Theodore Robert (Ted) Bundy

Theodore Robert Bundy was born on November 24, 1946. This serial killer was found guilty of dozens murders. Bundy committed thirty five crimes and was put to death on January 24, 1989 (Boucher, 1962).

Family Life of the Criminal

Theodore Robert Bundy grew up in an ordinary family. There were no reasons for his mental disturbance, notwithstanding that he did not know his real parents. Bundy had numerous friends including girls. He did not have a normal family, but he had permanent relationships with women.

Educational Background of the Criminal

Bundy was a very educated person with the higher education in several scientific spheres. He had an ability to get on well with people and this helped him to win confidence of his victims (Holmes, 2001).

Peer Relations

During the education Bundy had a lot of friends. He was much respected both among students and professors (Ronald & Stephen, 2010).

Measures that Might Have Been Taken to Avoid Bundy’s Crimes

Owing to his good appearance and ability to communicate with people, he was elusive during a long period of time. The measures that might have been taken to avoid crimes are the following. Police had to analyze features of the victims and warn the potential victims. Movement of the murderer should also have been analyzed in order to foresee his further actions.

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Apprehending the Criminal

Theodore Robert Bundy was captured on February 15, 1978, when he was driving a car and stopped by the policemen. They found out that the car was stolen and arrested Bundy (Holmes, 2001).

Holmes-DeBurger Typology of Serial Killers

In spite the fact that Theodore Bundy had a moral injury, he was a hedonistic serial killer. He killed for pleasure and enjoyed it.

Richard David Falco

Richard David Falco was born on June 1, 1953 in Brooklyn. He committed six crimes and was sentenced to 365 years in prison (Boucher, 1962).

Family Life of the Criminal

Richard David was brought up by foster parents. Nevertheless, his childhood passed in peace and love. Despite the absence of natural parents and divorcement of adoptive parents Falco was morally balanced person. Family problems were not the cause of his crimes.

Educational Background of the Criminal

The murderer did not obtain the higher education. After finishing school Falco was enlisted to the army. A few years later, Falco got the job at the New York Post Office. He was an adherent of Christianity and even preached it.

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Peer Relations

The criminal had perfect relationships with his counterparts. He had a lot of friends, but faced difficulties in communicating with women. Unfortunately, it was the decisive factor, which influenced his behavior. After the capture Richard David Falco explained that he committed murders because of some sexual problems (Blundell, 1996).

Measures that Might Have Been Taken to Avoid Falco’s Crimes

Richard Falco was unpredictable. All his victims had different features. Thus, it was a very difficult task for the police to find him. However, organization of investigative actions should have been more effective in order to reduce the number of crimes (Boucher, 1962).

Apprehending the Criminal

Richard Falco was captured immediately after he killed the sixth victim and seriously wounded seven people (Blundell, 1996).

Holmes-DeBurger Typology of Serial Killers

Richard David Falco had difficulties in communicating with women and had sexual problems. Thus, he is a hedonistic serial killer. His crimes were supplemented by cruel and perverted sexual activity.

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