Free «3-Day Exercise Analysis» Essay Sample

Today each person is eager to be in a good form and, what is more important, to be healthy. To manage getting rid of superfluous weight we have to make a plan with goals, concerning 5 main tips to achieve good results.

  1. The weight we want to have.
  2. Our necessary physical activities.
  3. Calories we consume per day.
  4. Food we can eat.
  5. Nutrients that will help us to be healthy.

My experiment lasted for 3 days. My goal was to loose minimum 2 kilos. For this purpose I did all necessary physical activities. I used to do a lot of morning exercises, and in the evening I worked on cardio and weight training machines. In the morning I worked for half on hour and in the evening for 1 hour. According to my plan, I had to work at least 240 minutes per week; I think, I excelled in this task. I was recommended to do physical activities for 150–299 minutes per week in order to get health and maintain weight; and if I want to achieve health benefits or keep weight off – for more than 300 minutes of training per week.

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My allowance of total expended calories was 2000 calories per day. Empty calories are to be ≤ 258 per day. The recommendations were given to me, and I tried to eat in the way it was written in my plan.

  1. I ate no less than half of all grains as total grains.
  2. Substituted whole-grain choices for advanced cereals in breakfast.
  3. I included vegetables (fresh, frozen, and canned) in my day meals.
  4. I added vegetables when cooked main and side dishes and used dark leafy greens for salads.
  5. I also ate fresh fruit when I was thirsty, I selected 100% fruit juice. When I was hungry, I ate fruit and salads instead of desserts.
  6. As I usually drink a glass of milk every day, I was allowed to drink only fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%) milk. Or I could eat yogurt with fresh fruit instead of cheese.
  7. It is important for health to eat various foods from the Protein Foods group every week. I tried to eat more seafood or poultry instead of fat meat. And for me, it was necessary to replace solid fats with oils, but in small amounts.

I should say, it was not so easy for me to adhere to all the rules, but I tried sincerely. I managed to lose 1 kg. To be always in a good shape and not to gain excess weight, a person should change his or her way of life. But this must be done gradually. For me, it is easier to refuse first from eating sweets; then, when I get used to this – from farinaceous food. I believe that when this is done, it won’t be so painful to replace insalubrious products with useful ones. In some time it will become your habit to eat healthy food in small amounts. On the first day I felt very hungry, and it seemed difficult not to eat a lot. But using the recommendations on the site, I quashed the feeling of hunger by eating fruits and vegetables. During the next two days it was even fun to eat in such a healthy way, because I felt ease and was in a good mood. I noticed that the face skin had smoothed and became fresh.

As for my day-to-day activities, I think, I must increase the amount of energy expended. For me, it’s better to spend more time on cardio machines in order to loose weight. If treated as a rule, I think I could to perform these activities year-round. And to diversify my activities, I can play outdoor games such as basketball, tennis, go swimming, walking, and riding. I must spend not less than 5 hours per week doing active physical work; then, I think, I will see the results. Even after this 3 days of training I noticed that my health became much better and my breadbasket decreased.

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