Hilarious Stories of Celebrities’ College Life

Celebrities are always presented as immaculate people. They have fancy clothes, their behavior is intelligent and exquisite and it seems that they are the smartest people in the world. However, before reaching such perfection, they still had to go along a hilarious path of student life. Some of the stories have leaked to public and are widely discussed on Internet. Here are some of the most memorable ones.

Famous People during Students Years

Steve Jobs

The story of Jobs’ childhood is a bit sad as he was adopted and suffered a lot because of the misunderstandings between his foster and biological parents. Regardless of that, Steve managed to enter the college that was quite expensive to study in. Evaluating his family capabilities, he dropped from the college without finishing any subject except one – calligraphy. Later, in his world-famous Stanford speech, Steve Jobs mentioned that that was because of this class that Mac now has various typefaces – he simply adored calligraphy.

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Mark Zuckerberg

The famous Mark’s story has even been made into a movie. The process of creating Facebook is described in it, since the time when it was only an idea. Originally, Mark created a service that allowed evaluating people judging from their appearance. Having been banned by the college authorities, Zuckerberg continued developing his masterpiece and soon came up with a new online application The Facebook. Unfortunately, the sad part begins here – he was accused of stealing the idea and was sued to pay the fine. However, the amount of penalty was scanty, comparing to the profits that Facebook has earned to his founder.

Bill Gates

The story of Bill confirmed that he is one of the smartest people in the world. While studying in college, he was the only one to complete the task given by his professor Harry Lewis. It would have been nothing special, unless Bill had offered a solution that turned out to be more efficient than all previous ones for over 30 years. Soon, feeling imprisoned in the college, he dropped off in order to start his own business.

Elvis Presley

The story of the King of rock’n’roll is full of irony as it was connected with his music classes. As it turned out, Presley’s teacher did not approve his style, manner and performance in general. Luckily, Elvis did not give up and managed to get his glory and win the hearts of millions of devoted fans.

John Lennon

John’s education can be split into two parts – before and after entering the college. Having almost immaculate reputation and marks, Lennon passed one of the most difficult examinations, which is Eleven-Plus, and entered quite a prestigious Bank High School in Liverpool. Since then, John’s studying became terrible. Professors disliked him and did not think that he would succeed in anything. Fortunately, they were wrong.

Jonnie Depp

This is a story of how deceptive child dreams can be. Jonnie set an aim to become a rock musician and that is why he dropped off from college to achieve the dream. Ironically, two weeks later his desire dissolved completely, and he wanted to get back to high school. The principal refused to give the permission and this is when Jonnie Depp headed for Los Angeles to become one of the most famous celebrities in Hollywood.

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