Table of Contents
Section I
The notion of leadership is essential not only in the context of business operations. In fact, leadership is presented in all spheres of life as it presupposes making responsible decisions and managing people. Particularly, school is one of the places where leadership plays a crucial role. First of all, school leadership implies accomplishing its objectives and priorities. Running a school requires a good team, successful leadership and organizational culture. It is evident that leadership should be exemplary as school is a place that majorly affects the formation of behavior, attitudes, morality and skills. A school leader should possess such qualities as strategic thinking, cooperation, positive attitude, socialization, creativity, team spirit and collaboration. This paper intends to explain the peculiarities of school leadership and present the profile of Mr. Martin as a leader.
As Mr. Martin works at school, it is important to describe this place to help understand what challenges the leader faces. The mission of the high school is to teach students, provide qualitative educational process, give knowledge and develop skills. There are direct and indirect stakeholders. Direct stakeholders include teaching staff, students, and parents. Indirect stakeholders include government, community, and sponsors. It is evident that Mr. Martin does not only monitor the educational process but also solves the organizational issues (Alldredge Johnson, Stoltzfus, & Vicere, 2003).
In a great number of educational institutions, every school differs from the others by its leadership strategy, geographical peculiarities, cultural and economic features. The geographical position of the given can be characterized as favorable as it benefits collaboration and competition with other schools. It should be noted that the working conditions in the school are positive. Mr. Martin collaborates not only with his teaching staff and students but also with parents to make education more efficient. Mr. Martin works in the public sphere; for this reason, his leadership activity is aimed at ensuring high level of productivity and commitment from the subordinates and good educational results from students.
In regard with education, a good leader should possess a number of certain traits to implement the necessary changes within the school and make crucial decisions in difficult situations. Leadership of Mr. Martin influences positively the teaching staff and encourages them to fulfill the school objectivities and priorities. Timely actions of a leader, creativity, team spirit, collaboration and cooperation are the main techniques used by Mr. Martin. In the present time, leadership style of Mr. Martin is changing under the influence of the organizational culture, diversification of the educational process, personal and organizational values, employee performance, ethical decisions, collaboration and communication within the school.
In respect to the leadership style and philosophy of the given high school, Mr. Martin provides proper care of ethical implications within the school. The school is concerned not only with its reputation but also students’ interests and comfort. Mr. Martin has created an efficient environment laying back some aspects of the organizational culture of the school. The main missions of the leader of the high school are to make the school more prestigious and efficient, and provide qualitative education. Mr. Martin’s personal traits are also beneficial for a high school head. Creative imagination, open-mindedness, independence, cheerfulness, and honesty create a friendly and inspiring atmosphere not only among teachers but among students (Sarros, 2006).
The charismatic leader in the person of Mr. Martin has shaped the personal and organizational values of the high school. As a result, it is evident that the atmosphere of the high school provides a framework for successful and exemplary leadership. Collaboration of stakeholders is helpful for the financial and economic position of the high school. According to the management theory of leadership, Dr. Martin is an efficient leader who demonstrates quick end of planned purpose and talent in management. Dr. Martin runs the processes and activities within the school, solves problems related to the educational process, and makes decisions (Arriaza, 2003).
Section II
Profile of Mr. Martin
Mr. Martin is a teacher and principal of a high school. He is an exemplary leader because he positively influences teachers, students and parents of his school. One can say that he is the best example for following. It is equally important that Mr. Martin is not only a talented leader of a high school but also a highly-skilled professional in the educational process and teaching. It means that besides leading, he also teaches. Mr. Martin possesses such leadership skills as struggling with obstacles and difficulties, motivating (stimulating, encouraging and inspiring) and constant desire for learning and developing.
One can characterize Dr. Martin as a leader according to management theory, behavioral theory and relationship theory of leadership. Specific leadership behavior of Mr. Martin is marked by the fact that he performs roles of a visionary, manager and architect of the high school. It is evident that these leadership traits and behaviors of Mr. Martin have been formed under the influence of his ambitious character, hard-working studying at the university, life experience, constant collaboration with other educational establishments and desire to teach children. In fact, leadership style of Mr. Martin aligns with the culture of the high school. He is a kind of leader who listens and responds that is why teachers and students do not suffer from discrimination (Bennis & Nanus, 2007).
In regard with the way Mr. Martin contributes to the high school, it should be noted that during his leadership, he improved the status and reputation of this educational establishment. Mr. Martin encourages teachers and students to participate in festivals and competitions and promotes self-education. Mr. Martin is strict as far as dress code, discipline and order are concerned; therefore, he demands this from others. This leader has arranged a successful collaboration and cooperation with parents’ council, which is a driving force of the students’ achievements. With the help of Mr. Martin, this high school has received a title a “Scholar and Champion”.
The high school headed by Mr. Martin has the direct and indirect stakeholders. Direct stakeholders include a principle, teachers, students and parents. They can also be called the primary stakeholders. They are interrelated and have a direct impact on the high school, its development and financial prosperity. Direct stakeholders have more priorities than indirect ones. The government, environment, society and competitors refer to the indirect stakeholders. The impact of the indirect stakeholders is also influential, especially in regard with the reputation of the high school. Due to the fact that the high school is public, the role of the government is essential as it defines laws and regulations necessary for the school running.
Overall community also has an impact on the functioning of the high school. First of all, social status and family prosperity of students prove that Mr. Martin is highly concerned with the reputation and image. To avoid deviant behavior and bullies, Mr. Martin pays attention to students’ engagement involving them in festivals and competitions. Discipline, determination and self-worth are the qualities promoted by the principle. He accepts students with the low grades making them study harder and persistently to become more diligent and efficient. High performance of students proves their motivation and desire to achieve perfection (Crawford, 2003).
Management and Leadership Abilities of Mr. Martin
In his leadership behavior, Mr. Martin is a manager, visionary and architect. In the role of a visionary, Mr. Martin builds the priorities for the high school and objectives for future. He is concerned with every aspect that can be crucial to future success in administrating of the educational process. For example, his management skills are demonstrated by his ability to communicate with the students who have poor academic results. He encourages of teachers and students to build a prosperous society, which proves his motivation, potential and endless opportunities. Moreover, Mr. Martin builds perspectives for the future development of the high school.
In a role of visionary, Mr. Martin predicts the perspectives of the development of the high school and creates the vision for the future. The role of a manager that Mr. Martin plays is seen in his ability to be a teacher and principle at the same time. In the role of an architect, Mr. Martin tries to build the educational process based on equality among students. His duties are structuring, shaping, designing and forming. The most important leadership traits of Mr. Martin show that he is active, responsible, motivated and ambiguous. Being active helps Mr. Martin to avoid manipulation and others’ opinions influence in spite of the fact that he is rather altruistic.
Leadership abilities of Mr. Martin are seen in his desire to change management process, assess risks and make a choice. Mr. Martin is a determined person, and when he decides to do something, nobody can stop him. He never stands still and prefers constant self-development. It is not easy to be successful, especially in the educational establishment that os characterized with numerous challenges. For Mr. Martin, running a high school can be compared to climbing the high mountains without any help. Mr. Martin is responsible as he always finishes all his affaires before starting a new one. His responsibility was evident even when he was a student as he used many of his holidays and vacations for helping others with studying (Alldredge et al., 2003).
Despite such successful combination of management and leadership abilities, Mr. Martin continues to improve his leadership style. Students and teachers like and respect him at the same time although Mr. Martin demands discipline and order. He can balance between toughness and goodness due to his responsibility, morality, pedagogical experience and leading talent. Mr. Martin develops his leadership capabilities studying the experience of other successful leaders, practicing different models of leadership, reinforcing strengths and overcoming weaknesses.
Mr. Martin learnt how to become a leader through his rich life and professional experience. He was conscious about his leading capabilities when he was a teacher at high school. According to Mr. Martin, leaders are different and chose different role models in accordance with their abilities, skills, knowledge, experience and character. His strengths refer to his ability to combine different leadership styles. Mr. Martin deals with such challenges as diverse students who can misbehave and damage school’s reputation. Another challenge is making students achieve higher learning results. Mr. Martin advises not to be afraid of responsibility and challenges to become an exemplary leader.
Management Strategies of Dr. Martin
As a leader, Mr. Martin uses such management strategies as power, knowledge and skill training, information and rewards. Diffusing of power in a high school is done through controlling, disciplining, encouraging and motivating. Knowledge and skill training is a management strategy that is used for the teachers’ development and their urge to become more efficient professionals. School information is used for analysis and monitoring of the educational achievements. Rewards are used to encourage and motivate both students and teachers. In addition, Mr. Martin applies strategic planning as a way of reinforcing strengths and overcoming weaknesses. Strategic planning allows building perspectives for future.
Communication, collaboration and power benefit school’s dynamics and simplifies the decision making process. Without a doubt, it is difficult to organize and control students and teachers. However, evaluating school’s success, one can say that due to an exemplary and ethical leadership it can be achieved by making power, collaboration and communication the driving forces. To please teachers, Mr. Martin empowers them to make on-the-spot decisions. This brings about personal development and growth (Bennis & Nanus, 2007).
As a head of the school, Mr. Martin faces such challenges as team conflicts, working with community stakeholders, dealing with shortfalls and budget crisis and communication across the school. Team conflicts can appear because of misunderstandings and personal disagreement. As a result, Mr. Martin uses such management strategy as training and learning. At school, they have many seminars devoted to the issues of communication and mutual understanding. Working with the community stakeholders is a necessity for Mr. Martin as they define success and efficiency of this high school. Mr. Martin always addresses to the government representative with appeared issues. In addition, during important events at school, he invites local administration to be in good terms with them. Shortfalls and budget crises are usual problems for any school. To efficiently solve them, Mr. Martin collaborates with parent council that can help if any financial issues appear. Communication across the school can be provided through the meetings, conferences and other common events that unite people (Nieto, 2011).
Specific Behaviors of Dr. Martin
There is a number of specific traits behavior that differ Mr. Martin from other leaders. First of all, Mr. Martin pays more attention to motivation and inspiration rather than controlling. He is a participant and doer at the same time. He provides clear direction to the teachers, and it proves his desire to make this high school better. Some leaders demonstrate a stereotypical thinking based on the fact that leaders should only run and control. As to Mr. Martin, he is a part of his team. Mr. Martin is admirable due to his strengths, qualities and love to his profession. One can fail not to emulate him because of his management strategies, style and abilities.
The educational setting is challenging and difficult. Nevertheless, Mr. Martin is ready to difficulties and perceives them as a part of his job. He finds time to help his colleagues when it is necessary even if it would be a good word. Mr. Martin plans his perspectives for future painting a specific image of his activity. He destroys a myth that a leader should only coordinate and control. On the contrary, his role is to motivate, stimulate, encourage and inspire. Creating friendly and positive environment in the school, developing brainstorming ideas, and finding ways of overcoming obstacles are his responsibilities.
Mr. Martin does not think he can be called an exemplary leader; therefore, he is developing his special skills and abilities constantly. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Martin is also a member of the team and a role member. Good education, intelligence, competence, communicative skills, creative and strategic thinking are his top qualities. They are necessary to solve problematic situations concerning violation of discipline and order, poor educational achievements, low productivity and performance. In the first place, he is responsible for his actions and then – for actions of his teaching staff. There is a thought that team works the same as their leader works.
Mr. Martin can deal with such specific behaviors within the school as social and racial diversity, inequality, discrimination, lack of social constructions of teachers, misunderstanding and conflicts with parents. Most of the students describe him as an example for following, mentor and even father. Discipline, self-worth and determination to most of his students only reinforce their love and respect to him. Those who come to school with low grades or a decision to stop education are transformed into high performers. In addition, he can transform the laziest student into the efficient learner.
Leadership Theories Explaining Mr. Martin’s Behavior
Mr. Martin’s leadership style can be analyzed according to such leadership theories: management theory, behavioral theory and relationship theory of leadership. According to the management theory of leadership, one can characterize Mr. Martin as a good professor, talented principal of a high school, kind-hearted adviser and supporter, good colleague and efficient manager. His management activity proves his quick performance of planned goals and talent in management. Mr. Martin operates the processes and activities, solves the problems and makes decisions. As a leader in the role of a manager, Mr. Martin is active, ambitious, enthusiastic and energetic.
According to behavioral theory, Mr. Martin adapts to the educational environment and its problems. He is concerned with his students and teaching staff and tries to satisfy their needs. It means that observation and teaching help to achieve the positive results. Mr. Martin changes his behavior according to the circumstances. Mr. Martin supports teaching and learning for people living in poverty; as a result, he adapts to their needs and problems in order to solve them. Behavioral leadership theory proves that leaders are made rather than born with leadership traits. According to this theory, Mr. Martin has learnable and definable behavior. The improving school’s status, appearance of new departments and involvement into events, competitions and festivals are the actions that prove Mr. Martin’s activity.
According to relationship theory of leadership, one can characterize Mr. Martin as a kind-hearted, noble and sincere man who is eager to help students and teaching staff. Mr. Martin has a reward power because he encourages his employees with salary, promotion and other rewards. Mr. Martin is a participant of the educational process and does not take autocratic decisions. He has an equal attitude to subordinates, students, stakeholders and superiors. Mr. Martin is in good terms with teachers and students because he is ready to listen to their feedbacks, and opinions, which help him make a decision.
According to the trait leadership theory, Mr. Martin has all necessary qualities and skills to run a high school. Mr. Martin is adaptable to situations no matter whether they are positive or negative. He takes into consideration social environment as he involves community as a stakeholder of the high school. This leader is clever and always tries to learn something new through trainings, seminars and self-education. Mr. Martin is an achievement-oriented and ambitious person. He is not afraid of challenges as his persistent and brave character helps him to overcome them. Mr. Martin is a master of his affair as he is knowledgeable in pedagogy and management.
It is evident that one can explain Mr. Martin’s behavior only through combination of the leadership theories. According to the behavioral theory, Mr. Martin has democratic and tolerant attitudes to his colleagues and students; therefore, he is a successful leader. Mr. Martin has all necessary traits to make a high school reputable and efficient.