Free «The Cost and Benefits of Expansion to the US» Essay Sample

After the declaration of independence of the United States there were numerous of problems which should have been solved. One of them was the issue concerning the allocation of new settlers. The government of the United States of America has set a target to expand the American nation by the way of conquest and development of land in the west. The results of the expansion were extremely profitable, but also became the reason for lot of negative factors.

First and foremost, the expansion to the US had the numerous of positive reasons. At the beginning of the 19th century the United States had a small territory, while there was the urgent need to develop the agricultural economy sector and to allot lands to the new settlers. Occasionally, the first benefit of the expansion is the new land, which was appropriate for farming. The government tried to establish appropriate conditions for agricultural practices. It helps to develop the state’s economy (Billington and Ridge 112). The next reason is the natural resources of western territories. The so-called Black Gold was abundant on these lands. It makes the opportunity to the US to provide themselves with various kinds of fuel. The annexation of new territories was the reason for building transport links. Thus, it was decided to build the railroad, which required a large number of workers, therefore people were able to use their working abilities in order to get money and start their own farming business. The construction of the railway also helped to develop the heavy industry. The active extension of trade relationships with western territories helped to enrichment the American economy (Billington and Ridge 206).

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In spite of the fact that the American expansion had numerous positive points, negative consequences also took place. During the extension of U.S. territories the government faced one significant obstacle. These areas were the motherland for Indians, who didn’t want to refuse it (Billington and Ridge 45). After the continuous bloody battles Indians surrendered. The thousands of them were killed. Moreover, the Indians’ culture were assimilated with the white people’s traditions, and, therefore, was almost lost. Occasionally, the expansion had made the extremely negative influence on the ancient culture. Besides, even white people suffered huge human and financial losses.

The expansion to the US had both the positive and negative consequences. Economic interests were opposed to the lives of indigenous people, who stayed deprived of their motherland. The huge number of people died because of the desire of the interested group to get the financial benefit.

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