School is finally over and summer internships are about to begin. You should know that it is vital to make a strong first impression during your first meeting with the potential employee. If you have never been an intern before, now it is the best time to get prepared. Here are several tips that will help you succeed on the first day of your summer internship.

Get There Early

It is a very simple and very important step that will help you start your internship on a good note. 10-15 minutes before the work starts is just as much time as you need to get situated. In addition, you will make a good impression on the manager.

Be Mentally and Physically Ready

Make sure you have enough energy for the full day by getting good sleep and eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Besides, it is important to learn the dress code before getting there and to follow it. Get to the workplace with a positive attitude.

Come Prepared

It is important to do a thorough research before arriving at the internship. Get all the information you can about the company, its director, employees and anything else that can be relevant. You should also anticipate the paperwork as your first day at almost any job will probably be filled with it. Take the social security card, the driver’s license and any other papers you might need to fill in the papers.

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Take Notes

Be ready to write all the important information down to help you memorize it. Write down all the instructions you get as well as other necessary details. Also, pay attention to the way your co-workers communicate, the preferred writing style for your tasks and other things, which come up. You will have a chance to access it later, when it becomes relevant. In addition, interns who take notes make a solid impression on managers.

Ask Questions

On the first day as an intern, you will get tons of new information. Your supervisor will probably understand that it is a bit complicated to you, so it is okay if you ask him/her to slow down or clarify/repeat something. By asking questions, you get the necessary knowledge on how to do things properly. It is better than being forced to redo them because you missed or forgot the instructions. Interns who ask relevant questions show their critical thinking skills that are vital for almost any position.

Speak up

If there is a chance, volunteer your point of view or your skills. If you have any ideas or suggestions on a certain project, and your managers are asking for them, speak up! If they are looking for volunteers for extra assignments, volunteer. If you take initiative when there is an opportunity, it demonstrates that you are a valuable member of the team.

Do More than You Are Asked to

Show your supervisor that you are ready to multitask and show your creativity, especially when you are new. If the manager asks to provide two examples, provide three. When you have nothing to do, ask what else you can do to help. This way, you will not just learn something new, but will also impress your manager.


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