Classic Books that Everyone Should Read

I spend much time reading books, which are the newest bestsellers, but when I am upset or require a little change in my outlook, I can find comfort in classic books. Every time, when I get tired of modern fiction, I take a good old classic book and I go back to my favorite memories.

Here are some of my favorite classics, which always make me think twice.

Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott

This book is a genuine brilliant of classics. If you have already read it when you were young, read it again now with a fresh look and it will appeal to you on the entire new level. The author tells the story in the way that you feel smitten with all the characters. This awesome novel explores numerous roles of women by allowing every daughter to choose her own path.

Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell

One of the greatest books in the world. Actually, it is not an easy read and has a huge size (over 1000 page) that may put off even great literature fans, but as soon as you get into Scarlett O’Hara’s world, you fall in love with it. Gone with the Wind is a historical novel, which attaches you with a rich spoilt heroine, who is in despair and has to survive.

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The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger 

The main character of the book, Holden Caulfield, is a young boy who undergoes treatment in a mental facility. The events described in the book take place in New York, where the boy spends several days before he returns to his parents’ home, after he was expelled from the school. The story includes a diatribe of meetings, telephone calls and random cases. The Catcher in the Rye explores loneliness, estrangement and the struggle of a growing up person.

Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck

This is a story of great depression. It describes the life of George and Lennie, two temporary ranch workers who are seeking their place in the world. The author touches upon such themes as friendship and humanity. This awesome book is one of the most powerful among all the classics.

To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee

If you have never read this book before, there is a great possibility that you live in a cave. This is an amazing story about Atticus Finch and his children. The story is based on the writer’s life to some extent. To Kill a Mockingbird is very captivating, but not for the every reader. In the book, the author is forced to deal with such difficult issues as rape, racism and social injustice.

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