That’s the article you need to read if you require some help with ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ essay. Here you will find the analysis of the plan from the point of view of a seasoned writer. This will definitely help you with your own essay and hopefully will hit on some new ideas about “The Secret Life of Bees” in your mind. Even if you won’t get the inspiration that you’re seeking after reading this article, don’t get tempted to copy its content into your paper. Plagiarism is still a serious academic crime that should be avoided at all cost. Therefore, we encourage you to read enough materials that will help you to write “The Secret Life of Bees” essay. In case you experience major problems with this essay, it is advisable to consult your tutor or to seek help of experienced and accomplished writers.
We understand that “The Secret Life of Bees” essay is not an easy assignment because many of our clients have requested our help with this essay. If that’s the case with you and you can’t complete your assignment physically or for other reasons, our skilled team of writers will be happy to assist you and save the day. Getting help is as easy as placing the order, adding a detailed description of your assignment, and leaving your contact information. Your work will be written in a timely manner by our most skillful writers who are specialized in this type of assignments. However, we recommend you look at the example below and see if you can write ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ essay on your own.
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Explaining The Difficulties and Dynamics of Relationships between Lily and her Mother Throughout “The Secret Life of Bees” Novel
The main character of “The Secret Life of Bees” is a 14-year old Lily Melissa Owens. Since she was four, Lily was living with her offensive father from whom she had never received any kindness and love. She unintentionally killed her mother when her parents had been having an argument. Her mother’s gun fell on the floor and little Lily accidentally used it. The sequence of events led to the death of her mum. That day broke her heart.
She was a little girl and because of that, she had ambiguous remembrance about that horrible day the events of which hunted her over the years. She was eager to explain to herself that moment and to let go of the pain that poisoned her life, so that she would finally be able to move on. Her father wasn’t helpful in curing Lily’s aching soul. On the contrary, he only deepened her pain by his behavior and actions.
Hoping to find forgiveness and inner peace, Lilys runs to Tilburn with her nanny Rosaleen to get more information about her mother. During her time there, she meets different people and gradually breaks free from guilt, anger, and pain that she felt throughout the years. For many years, she was tormented by sorrow and internal struggles, but she refused to remain trapped in it forever and her sincere longing for freedom led her to the solution.
When she realized that her mother had loved her, the new life started for her.