Free «Promotion Strategy» Essay Sample

Employees should always improve their skills and be rewarded for their efforts. That is why this paper discusses different strategies of promotion. Thus, it is important to pay attention to the working atmosphere of the company as well as to create deliberate evaluation of employee’s knowledge and skills.

Key words: promotion, ethical values, team building, evaluation

In order to develop some business a company needs to apply different strategies. For instance, it has to develop its product or service as well as to create an effective management of human resources.  In fact, one of the main goals of human recourse management strategy is to improve performance of employees. In fact, this strategy requires a great number of skills as well as experience. That is why external consultation is essential for each company.

To start with, it is necessary to define the main issues, which have to be resolved. The main problem is that some employees want to be promoted on higher management positions. At the same time the budget is quite restrained and cannot allow everybody to be promoted. That is why the company is also unable to offer different rewards for the best employees. In fact, the rapid increase to the cost of benefits, especially health care benefits, will continue to be a major issue for most employers (Mathis, p. 3).  Nevertheless, there are also those workers, who are satisfied with their positions. That is why it is necessary to resolve this chaos at the workplace by developing an effective promoting strategy. 

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First of all, it is important to construct a common vision or mission for all employees. This vision should also include necessary ethical values. For example, all employees should develop mutual cooperation and respect. Mutual cooperation will help to build team spirit and thus, develop performance of the workers. Currently, there is a situation when some employees want to be promoted, although their performance was not satisfactory. Thus, it means that there is a lack of cooperation between employees, because otherwise employees would understand the level of professionalization of their colleagues.

In order to increase cooperation between employees several programs need to be implemented. For example, it is possible to organize trainings, which can build up team collaboration. They also need to show employees that it is important to work together. These trainings should show that respect and attention to other employees’ needs can improve the overall performance of the company.

Secondly, while developing human recourse strategy any manager should think ahead of the company’s as well as employee’s needs. Therefore, despite the fact that some workers are not going to be a good fit for new positions, managers need to provide equal employment opportunities for all workers. Thus, each employee will understand that he has a fair chance to be promoted. Thus, a good promotion policy should be based on combination of seniority and merit (Khurana, 2009).

It is also important to choose horizontal promotion, which includes an increase in responsibilities, pay and a change in designation (Randhawa, 2007). That is why the general three step evaluation of workers’ performance is essential. On the one hand, it is important to evaluate knowledge. That is why managers can create a test, which should include general information required for the new position. On the other hand, skills should also be properly assessed.  For this purpose managers should create a database, which will include all the data about performance of each employee, such as the amount of successful projects delivered by each worker during the past month.

As the result of these evaluations, managers need to define the top candidates for promotion. Then, it is important to organize interviews with each candidate. This interview will help to evaluate those workers, who have desire and are ready to fill new position. This is a deliberate procedure, which can take some time. Nevertheless, it will also show employees that they are expected to be professional and have all necessary knowledge and skills for new positions. Moreover, those employees, who are not qualified for promotion, would understand that they need to improve their performance.

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 Last but not least, the managers need to ensure that this three step evaluation is beneficial for developing mutual cooperation between workers. After the candidates are selected most workers can develop competitive atmosphere in organization. Nevertheless, human resource managers need to show that employees need to learn from with each other rather than compete for rewards.

To sum up, only by developing an effective promoting strategy the company can avoid different misunderstandings between employees. Thus, it is necessary to establish ethical values in organization. Such values as mutual cooperation and equal opportunities are vital for the company. In addition, three step evaluations of workers’ skills and knowledge will help to identify the best candidates for new positions. Overall, employees need to understand that they need to improve their performance through collaboration and respect.

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