Free «Global Leadership» Essay Sample


People did not choose the place to live or the part of the country to occupy but they have found themselves in different parts of the world. In today’s world job opportunities are irregularly given depending in various geographical backgrounds and different cultural backgrounds. The difference that may arise will depend on the individual understanding of the differences in cultural norms. Understanding those other languages enables communication become easier. People from different parts of the world speak different languages and this may hinder development as individuals do not understand one another effectively. Communication in business enables organization to acquire the set goals making it difficult to reach the set goal without effective communication.

Intercultural Communication Strategies

Understanding Cultural Diversity

In the workplace people from different cultural backgrounds meet to perform the same duty which brings in the factor of communication a challenge. Employees in the same offices usually speak the same language without putting in mind their cultural background. Some cultural differences need to be adjusted as the employee adjusts to different organization. For communication to be effective strategy originates with the understanding from the service lender and the receiver of the service comes from different cultures. This makes the two parties to relate well and keep away personal differences making communication more advanced. Understanding of other communities cultures without getting deeper into their culture studies makes communication become more complex (Mendenhall, 2013).

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Develop Individual Awareness

It is important for an individual to learn little basics of culture from different communities and different world languages. This is important as one gets to be engaged in different countries and have a happy and enjoyable life. It is important as people in different age have different ways of greetings their friends. Using different modes of contact may be tricky for anybody who cannot adjust to the same way of life. Different ways of greetings have different meaning in other countries (Mendenhall, 2013). This mode of understanding different cultures promote business in companies as employees needs to have quick and fast adjustment of their cultures to that of the customer. Employee should be ready to cope with the environment of the culture as in the Middle East countries many companies offer training in their culture.

In working at the Middle East countries an individual meets different people as different leaders speak different languages making this region to practice different religions. One gains a lot of experience since he/she interacts with people from different communities. As a leader different messages are conveyed in a different manner but related to their traditional way of Middle East lifestyle. If these Middle East countries practice many religions and cultural norms an individual should choose which religion to follow and convey the same cultural message to avoid distortion of the message because change is gradual. Special needs should be addressed in a special way and as a leader this should be of much concern; because they usually observe different holidays in other instances some have differences in their working hours (Mendenhall, 2013). This is nature and nobody can adjust it as different place have difference in time zone. It is good to seek advice from the Middle East countries leaders as they understand their country better.

Keep Everything Simple

Communication should be kept simple as not all people are fluent in these Middle East languages. For example those who do not speak the Middle East languages as their first language do not speak it fluent. Communication in these countries should be simple, clear and understood to fine details. I should avoid humor when communicating with these leaders until I understand they are getting right and not leaving them offended. If there are language barriers I would find a translator to make it easy for both my side and their side to understand (Mendenhall, 2013). Through this project the translator should leave nobody hanging because he or she understands both and this is more reliable as translator will do translation of their culture well.

Fields of study that contributed to the study of global leadership

First field

The husband was in the first field that was known as Robert Amick. He played a very supportive role which was very constant and companion was another element that kept her rolling and being a friend was a driving factor. Gratitude is further extended to the mother-in-law. B.J. Amick who was there to comfort and assure there was nothing to fear because their funds was used and highly appreciated (Mendenhall, 2013).

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Second field

This project was interviewed by Brazil, India and Nigeria who has been so generous in their donations of time to the project. We do appreciate these countries for their concern and more information being provider about global leadership.

Third field

Thanks are extended to the three professors who had a lot of impact on the career and brought empowerment in academic growth. Vote of thanks to Drs.John Bryson and Barbara Crosby (Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs) who took the first role in assisting me gain experience in first graduate level of education and built me hope as mentors,  friends, instructors and colleagues. They facilitated me in gaining a lot in leadership.  Great opportunity to have worked with them in a company from different areas such as a research assistant, teaching assistant and as working partner for a number of years. Through their encouragement I developed interest in leadership and decided to continue my studies to pursue a doctorate. I also thank Dr.Michael Paige (Department of Education and Policy Administration) who played an important role being an adviser and a mentor during this hard working season of doctoral program (Mendenhall, 2013).

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Fourth field

Thank to the other members at the University of Minnesota and all the faculties where I was privileged to study and extend my knowledge and skills through tutelage.

Leadership and global leadership

Leadership is a process of influence from social whereby single person is supported by people as a leader   to accomplish a common task. But global leadership is where bye elements are considered to see how much you are productive and elected as a world leader to show much you are giving to the public in form of tax (Mendenhall, 2013).

Differentiate between traditional and global leadership

Traditional leadership is the leadership where bye ruling system is tied with the basis of the tradition or custom that never changes (Mendenhall, 2013). But in global leadership the world of competitive technology changes with time resulting to changes within global leadership. Global leadership should be its own discipline because business in the world is advancing day and night as technology does the same. This enables global leadership to gain its quality factor rather than a local system of leadership.

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Approaches to study leadership

First in every thing establishment should be done clearly where bye mission and vision should be well defined. Vision should be well communicated to give other followers of clearly what is to be achieved (Mendenhall, 2013). Relationship should be the factors that shall make leadership grow. This should then be followed by learning as every leader should be ready to learn more. Leadership needs empowerment for it to gain strength.

Cultural intelligence is found in organizations where bye values, beliefs and their set of code of conduct are laid to check whether ability to fulfill the goal can be met. While in global leadership single individual factors are considered (Mendenhall, 2013).

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