The historical past explains many of life’s moments that exist in our modern world. As the society now looks is a consequence of the past. It is possible to form them like personality, to be successful in a career despite of sex. A woman, as a man, can take the place of management, from small offices to the whole country; in a word it is equality.
Study of American women’s magazines from the 1940s to the 1970s showed that the most promoted virtuous female role in society was the role of mother, wife, housewife with total dependence on her husband and undivided service of the traditional family. At this time, the woman is still a mother, wife, homemaker, but she has the same rights as man, and also has the right to her own success.
The modern woman is a loving wife, a caring mother and a successful business woman. Gradually subside so popular earlier conversations about what the woman is more important a family or a career. The modern woman has a set of qualities that help to easily cope with the pace of modern life, and the rate is high enough. One of the hallmarks of the modern woman is to do everything at the highest level.
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The woman is paying great attention to his family. This tradition is preserved historically. She tries to do everything to have a cozy and quiet house. Nowadays woman does not see her life without loving husband behind. Along with the desire to be independent, she needs support, which is happy presenting by a man. Love is a feeling, which gives strength for new achievements. But the contemporary experiences of women show that women can cope without a men. The woman is strong enough to do everything with the own hands without support of man. It is normally today but if to take into account the fact that historical experiences of women do not allow such kind of behavior; women have come a long way to get their rights, be recognized in the society and not be condemned.
This many a day when children are the major part of women lives. Woman tries to not only pay attention to the children and to surround them with care, but also controls the process of their studying and formation like human. Nothing has changed: woman is a caring and loving mother, who cannot imagine life without her children.
Woman holds a decent position in the historical process. The image of the modern woman is the result of the past. XX century is a significant access to the historical arena phenomenon, referred to as a “women’s revolution”. Female factor, persistently breaking into a modern view of the world, requires a rethinking of existing bases of civilization, pushing fundamentally new topical issues determining the place of women in modern society.
The language of women was rather simple, in the lasted centuries woman had not talk much despite of speech quality. It did not mean that they had not what to say. Nowadays the situation has changed; the woman reserved a lot of rights and could be heard. But modern speech includes not exactly correct and literary words such as cursing, vulgarities, and name-calling. It is a problem from the past that spread in the all parts of the life. One could hear a “hot word” even from TV or radio and this is a problem that has to be solved. The language is spoiled by the improper words and to fix this problem everyone should start by themselves.
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Language is not only a method of communication, as it is one of the hallmarks of the people that use it; it is a book that shows the entire history of the people, all its historical path, from ancient times to the present day. Each word can be traced historical past, relentlessly accompany people. If one changes the language he changes the fate of a nation.
So it is better to back to the discussion subject. Much has been said about the role of men and women in society and not only books but also movies demonstrate struggle between these two genders. As an example could be a film “Think like a man”, that describe eternal problem of human relationships between the sexes: what may be more difficult than to understand men motivation and women logic.
But modern and successful woman can be an exemplar even for men. The great illustrations of this situation are famous women politicians, scientists, doctors etc. Their fates are different, unusual and captivating. The world of women is large and multifaceted. One can hardly find an area in which women had not tried their strength and do not succeed.
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In any society, a woman has a right to be happy. And, speaking of the role of women in society, it should be noted that from woman depends on physical and psychological health of the younger generation, and thus the future of nations. That is why social movement of mothers who are concerned about their child’s future is increasing. The role of the women is very important to society. Woman is the amazing creation of God. Nature has provided women the most important functions; the appointment of women in the world is to continue the human race. But in different periods of human existence the role of women in society was not the same. Despite of history the woman is enough strong and gentle personality.