Free «Conceptual Framework for Designing Intermodal Transport» Essay Sample

The goods during transportation are unitized in loading units such as containers. Aiming to make the transportation of goods easier, the authorities invented a new way of its implementation. The intermodal transport consists of the chain of processes, which are interrelated. The chain of transportation includes the sequence of processes in which the goods are delivered from the origin to their destination. While creating such a chain the developers must consider the following questions:

What type of service to offer? How often over the planning horizon to offer it? What traffic itineraries to operate? What are the appropriate terminal workloads and policies? These issues are addressed by the new modelling approach discussed later on, which is to be classified as a strategic/tactical planning model. (Konigs, Premius & Nijkamp, 2008).

This system of transportation is aimed at improving this process. It has sufficient advantages. The unity of the road and rail is the unique and very strong system of transportation due to the strengthening of each separate element of the independent transport system. It gives the opportunity to transport big volumes of goods over very long distances and save time.

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STAN (‘Strategic Planning of Freight Transportation: STAN, an Interactive Graphic System’) is one of the earliest software which enabled the graphical analyses of the multimodal transport networks. It comprises several network models. The means of transport are chosen according to the several criteria such as type of the vehicle, its capacity, specific cost and function.

The development of the system did not stop, and further virtual links were incorporated in NODUS. It was a GIS-based software tool. Its originality was in structured notation and automatic generation of the virtual links. Implementation of this innovation made it easier to work with the large networks. The infrastructure also plays a vital role in the transportation system. In order to make transportation safer, the examination of the transport was implied. It shows that there exist many transport alternatives, which help to plan the further development of the system and to improve the high quality of origin-destination flaws.

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