It is generally believed that victory in the battle belongs to the country, which has many supporters and outnumbers the enemy from the perspective of soldiers and military equipment. Nevertheless, in fact, the war is a much more difficult mechanism that is not regulated by the conventional rules. Its outcome depends not only on some statistical data but also on cleverness of the ruler and a suitable chance, which was not missed. It can be exemplified through the analysis of the Six-Day War. Although no one believed that Israel could overcome Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq in June 1967, it achieved this goal and showed for the whole world what was necessary for the success. The series of videos titled The Reasons behind the Arab Defeat proves that these vital components are a right position from the point of view of the law, usage of the waiting period in a proper way, faith in own strength, method of an unexpected attack, and ability to identify and destroy strategic objects of the enemy. To my mind, this list can be also continued by such an issue as patriotic feeling and readiness of the citizens to die for the prosperity of the entire nation.
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Firstly, Israel had won the war because it did nothing to provoke it. In other words, its position from the law perspective, in comparison with that of enemies (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq) and their supporters (the Soviet Union), was correct. The proof of it can be found if to analyze the reason presented by Egypt to start a war. The Soviet Union provided this country with a disinformation that a supposed major Israeli military concentrated its forces along the Syrian border. Nasser did not check the data properly but immediately responded by mobilizing about 100,000 troops. In addition, he announced that Egypt would block all shipping to and from Israel. It means that Egypt declared a war, being, in fact, incorrect in its assumptions. It gave Israel strength to stand against this injustice.
Nonetheless, confidence in own rightness, without appropriate preparations, would not have brought any benefits to Israel. In this regard, the second reason for its victory in the six-day war was the appropriate usage of the waiting period. Israel, anticipating military interventions of the enemy, declared a general mobilization of men aged from eighteen to fifty-five. Apart from that, the authorities ordered to close all factories to direct the resources for the military needs. What is more, during the waiting period, Israeli diplomats did not stay aside. They tried to persuade the democratic countries, such as the U.S., to help them to protect their territories from the aggressor.
However, Israel relied not only on diplomatic achievements but also on the strength of own country. It was the third reason for its success in the war with Egypt and other Arabian countries. Having gained the proof that the U.S. did not have any intentions to use own military force to protect the territory of a foreign land, Israeli authorities decided that it was high time to develop its own plan of a fight against the aggressor. In contrast to it, Egypt listened to the piece of advice of the Soviet Union and did not undertake any concrete steps in order not to be regarded as an initiator of war by other countries. It follows that Egyptians lost time as one of the most important factors in any battles and confrontations.
As a result, Israel had developed its own plan of defense, which helped it to save time. Hence, the method of an unexpected attack was the fourth reason of its victory. Having caught the enemy by surprise, Israeli armed forces got an opportunity to occupy most of their territory in a short period. In addition, it prevented Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq from calling the Soviet troops for help.
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It is necessary emphasize on the great tactical skills of Israeli military whereas their abilities to identify and destroy strategic objects of the enemy were the fifth reason for Israeli victory. This point can be noticed in the fact that Israeli troops focused their main efforts on destroying enemy aircraft, tanks, and other equipment rather than simple killing of enemy nationals. It gave them a possibility to make enemies incapacitated and gain the victory in a blistering pace.
Nevertheless, there is one more reason for Israeli success, which is not mentioned in the series of videos. I believe it is a great patriotic feeling of its citizens. They had lost their motherland as well as independence so many times that they could not allow it happen again. The proof supporting this opinion can be even found in the Bible. According to this Holy Book, Israelis respected their country in a special way since God had given it to them as the Promised Land.
To sum up, the Six-Day War broke down all the stereotypes about war at large. The set of videos The Reasons behind the Arab Defeat evidences that this is not only such conventional elements as a huge army or a great number of supporters that brings the victory in a struggle. Additionally, untraditional means like (a) right position the law perspective, (b) usage of the waiting period appropriately, (c) faith in own strength, (d) a technique of an unexpected attack, and (e) ability to identify and destroy strategic objects are necessary to win out. Undoubtedly, the example of Israel shows that even all these components are useless during the war without a patriotic feeling and readiness of the citizens to die for the freedom and flourishing of the nation as a whole.