

Perhaps, the first place you visit in the morning after leaving your house is a coffee-house. And what can be more delicious than a fresh, flavor cup of Starbucks coffee? It is the largest company that sells coffee in the world. Its brand is recognized everywhere and its coffee is considered one of the tastiest, but at the same time it is not very expensive. At the certain time, Starbucks brand was the most successful business with amazing annual revenue. Its clients understand that the quality-price ratio here is the best available on the market and use its services without any fear to be fooled. Starbucks is not simply a brand already – it is the entire world. Another thing that makes the company so special is its loyalty program. The motto of the company is to sell not coffee (sounds strange, doesn’t it?) but rather positive emotions.

Starbucks – Get Your Coffee

Making Clients Come Again

The key feature of every serious business company is motivating its clients to return again and again. In order to this, it isn’t enough just to make qualitative services or products. Even though coffee is really tasty and some clients return to Starbucks just to have another cup of this delicious drink, it is much more rewarding to give something more than coffee. With the latest loyalty program, Starbuck is now presenting free coffee for everybody if it is your birthday. Perhaps, it seems like coffee again, but actually, it is not – it is new emotions, new impressions and the most important desire to return.

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If you have not been to any Starbucks, you will not be able to realize what it means. People there care about clients and value everybody, regardless of age, gender, racial peculiarities, and financial ability. You feel yourself at home once you come to a Starbucks coffee shop. Surely, in nowadays materialistic world, care is also not enough, so free stuff is still an important client attraction.

Business Aspect

The company’s main goal is still to make money, nobody rejects this. However, by presenting free coffee, company shows that money is not already an issue, as one free cup today may grant other 364 cups for the rest of the year. This is still business, but in this case, both sides are victorious – Starbucks gets its clients and clients get free coffee. If you look at it deeper, you will understand that in order to become a participant of a loyalty program, you have to have a company’s special card. In order to receive such a card, you have to purchase certain amount of coffee. As you see, that is not as easy as may seem for the first time.

Luckily, Starbucks has plans to implement new loyalty programs every season, so free coffee each birthday is not the only thing to be happy about. People adore things free of charge and companies do love money. Positive image and immaculate reputation supported by tasty coffee make Starbucks one of the most successful companies in the entire world.

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