Free «HRM» Essay Sample

Seniority systems that exist in companies grant preference to senior workers depending on their length of service or positions of seniority. According to Solotoff and Kramer (2016), seniority systems are the guiding principle of most American labor unions, which are the results of labor-management negotiations (p. 23). Acknowledgment of the rules and regulations of these systems is essential to HRM, because it helps to define specific employment rights and obligations in the workplace. In practice, I would use it for creating the list of company’s employees according to the length of employment and keep the most experienced ones. I was impressed by the fact that such procedure is widespread during lay-offs.

As it has been stated by Messmer (2012), “Actions that aren’t intended to discriminate but have the effect of doing so are called disparate impact” (p. 26). It is vital for any HRM to know the techniques of disparate impact in order to avoid discrimination of disabled people or others belonging to exceptional groups. In my practice, knowing the consequence of disparate impact can help to estimate the correct development of actions. While learning this concept, it was interesting to reveal that even neutral policy can at times negatively affect somebody.

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As it follows from the study of Leithwood et al. (2012), job attractiveness is the strength of recruitment approaches based on different sources of applicant motivation (p. 290). The analysis of job attractiveness helps HRM to realize the reaction of the candidate to his/her potential position. For example, I can use it practically for emphasizing certain features of the job, such as economic benefits. Besides, it was interesting for me to learn that organizational climate and psychosocial characteristics also belong to attractive job features.

Structured interview addresses specific topics related to the study while leaving space for participants to offer new meaning, as Galletta described it (2013, p. 24). This concept is important for HRM, because it provides accuracy and steadfastness needed in certain situations. In practice, the structured interview can be useful in the process of revealing whether a worker is worth promoting or not. It was curious for me to learn that it allows reaching the objectives very quickly.

Short-term disability refers to the inability to work that can last up to one year. HRM should be well informed about all rules of using sick leave and its benefits for an employee’s job (Smith, 2013, p. 47). In practice, taking a sick leave because of the short-term disability should be based on the diagnoses and symptoms, because workers may apply for financial assistance during this period. It was interesting for me to learn that short-term disability insurance covers the period from 13 to 26 weeks.

Halo error occurs when an employee is rated either extremely high or low based on the evaluator’s overall impression rather than on his/her actual performance in various categories (DeCenzo, Robbins, & Verhulst, 2015, p. 223). It is important for HRM to evaluate each question individually in order to evade halo effect. Practically, it can be correctly treated by appraising each performance before starting a new one. The most exciting method to deal with it, to my mind, is “reverse wording.”

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Wagner Act described by Dewhirst and Rausch (2014) is the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which was created by the Congress with an aim of providing workers with the right to unionize (p. 532). Every HRM must be aware of it, because this law covers all employers’ violations of labor, and leaders should apply it in practice in critical situations for the benefits of workers and business. As for me, the most interesting fact about Wagner Act is that it guarantees employees’ rights of trade union organization.

According to Snell, Morris, and Bohlander (2015), employee referrals are recommendations (often by word of mouth) of the company’s current employees about its potential candidates (p. 176). This information can be the best source about the applicant for the HRM. Besides, social networking tools make it easy for the employees to refer to the most qualified and talented recruits within their social networks. It was interesting for me to learn about its negative feature such as collective “inbreeding.”

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Conforming to Hampel and Lamont (2011), “employee orientation is the event that helps him or her understand organization’s expectations, and convey what he or she can expect from the job and the organization” (p. 2). HRM can use employee orientation procedure in practice as a separate period of the company’s practice followed by training. I found the innovative concept of it, which suggests differentiation approach between onboarding and orientation.

According to Brown and Lent (2013), “Career development is a continuous stream of career-relevant events that are not obligatory direct or positive in influence and that may or may not be subject to the personal agency” (p. 10). HRM can act within the university’s department of career development and assist graduates. Indeed, it means offering information to those who are trying to start their careers. I am impressed by the fact that this process can continue throughout the lifecycle.

Job description is a clear and brief description of duties and requirements of a particular jobs (Mader-Clark, 2013, p. 3). Such stage is necessary for the HRM since it informs about the expectations of the future employee. While applying for a job, I would compose a detailed and trustworthy job description. The most exciting thing about this concept is that it plays a decisive role in searching for a new worker.

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According to Aswathappa (2013), “Job evaluation involves the determination of relative worth of each occupation for establishing wage and salary differentials” (p. 150). This process is significant for sharing adequate payment between the positions. In my practice as a worker, expecting my job’s evaluation can motivate me to work my best in order to get an affirmative mark. It was interesting for me to reveal several possible methods of conducting job evaluation such as ranking, grading, and comparison.

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