Free «The Farewell Address» Essay Sample

George Washington is the first president of the United States. He is one of the most admired political leaders that the United States have ever produced. As a fact, he was the one who led the nation in attaining freedom from Great Britain. He has always been remembered by the people because he was dignified enough not to run for reelection; he was the one that did not want to become a ruler for life like other rulers. However, before he stepped down as a president, he delivered a farewell address to the Americans that contained substantial messages and pieces of advice that have tremendous impacts among Americans until now.

Interestingly, the Farewell Address contains many pieces of advice that would help in the protection of freedom and unity among Americans. For that matter, President Washington emphasized that Americans should always be united against foreign invaders, which was one of the most important pieces of advice in the letter. As much as possible, the internal conflicts among the officials should be controlled or totally be avoided. The rifts among the Americans themselves may create impressions of disunity that can be capitalized by potential invaders (Washington, 1796).

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Consequently, President Washington, through the said Farewell Address, had expressed his genuine belief that the differing opinions of the political leaders may become the cause of another possible invasion of a foreign country. In other words, a disunited country is vulnerable from any types of invasion. This is why he strongly stressed that unity must be sustained whatever it takes. Ironically, he was also a firm believer of the ideals of freedom and equality, which was why he knew that varying opinions were also necessary in enriching a democratic society (Washington, 1796).

So to speak, the Farewell Address has strongly advised Americans to maintain their unity because it would serve as a protection from foreign invaders. This is because it would be easy for any foreign superpower to colonize countries with people who are disunited. In order to sustain unity, Americans were advised to remain neutral in the wars of other countries. For instance, President Washington has stressed in the letter about his decision not to interfere with the French revolution. For him, it was the right decision because an alliance with one country may create an enemy of the other. Interference with wars of other countries may serve as a valid reason for inviting an attack from the enemy of the other. Thus, unity can successfully be obtained if the Americans would not ally themselves with one country in a war, which would invite an enemy of the other.

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