The ideal roommate has always been a subject of numerous expectations. A person most certainly encounters this question if living in the student’s camp or rental apartment. If not, there is always a chance to think about it in the future. The ideal roommate may not exist, however, while imagining this situation people could approach to the nonpareil they bear in their minds. This paper represents a description of my to-be companion as I picture them to myself.
I recollect myself meditating over the type of person which I can live with for ages. I slated Brad Pitt, Tom Cruz, and Johnny Depp in this list. To tell the truth, it is only my imagination that resembles the picture of a small child dreaming to visit Wonderland, see a pink-eyed rabbit, or to take part in Queen’s croquet. Sometimes it depicts weird and fictional images, though I understand the importance of being serious in such a significant issue as a choice of the perfect partner. Thus, my ideal roommate can be either female or male; it does not matter for me actually. Of course, as I am a girl I would not share my apartments with a boy unless he is my good friend, brother or, perhaps, a husband. For me the important qualities of a roommate are clean habits and flexibility. We should make the destination of each thing inside the room clear from the very beginning. My ideal roommate eventually would not argue or quarrel with me, obeying like a lamb. We would become the best friends and share our daily impressions. Besides, as friends, we will have common interests and spend time together going out with common acquaintances to museums, galleries, restaurants, and skating-rinks. Thus, common interests, friendliness, and helpfulness are also essential for me in the future partner. However, each of us should respect another’s private space, therefore, the partner should not interfere if I am busy doing something or simply want to be alone. In addition, I do not feel comfortable if someone invades my privacy: opens my cabinets or drawers, takes my personal items such as cosmetics, clothes, cooking utensils etc. without my permission. My ideal roommate will be tactful and considerate. If the partner respects me, I will respect them. My golden rule is a well-known expression from Bible that reads as follows “Treat others as you would like to be treated”. At least, I am trying to follow it. The neighbor that smokes like a furnace should pack up their belongings for departure before the factual check-in, not to speak of a drug-addict, alcoholic, or any other type of carousers. I do not accept social outcasts and irresponsive people. All I dream about is a peaceful and jaunty sharing the room where respect and mutual cooperation reign. Besides, marking the territory step is not omissible. If our relationships encounter difficulties, I prefer to have a heart-to-heart talk, resolving the issues in a nonchalant peaceful manner. After the partner gets their hand in our cohabitation, we should arrange the turn for cooking and cleaning the room. As for me, I am eager to make compromises if needed. All I want is a kind, cheerful mate who knows when it is their turn to do the washing.
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Almost every person bears in their mind a notion about an ideal roommate, their appearance, behavior, and the way of life. The neighbor of my dream is non-drinking, non-smoking person who can take the role of my best friend. This partner should be a respectful mate who does not interfere in my affairs. It is not important for me if it is a boy or a girl; however, the rules are the same for everyone. The roommate has to know the rules of successful cohabitation, be cooperative if needed, holding other’s privacy in respect, committing no nuisance, keeping the items in order, setting the living room straight and preparing food when it is their turn. In conclusion, I would like to say that a person should be cautious while choosing the roommate as it is a very responsible decision which concerns not only the partner itself, but also the common way of life.