Nowadays, after leaving school, young people tend to hold over a decision of which college or university to choose in order to obtain a degree. They postpone this crucial event for about a year. Usually the purpose of this so-called vacation is to prepare for entering an adult life. It presumes a person’s ability to take his or her own decisions, a person’s readiness to be responsible for those decisions, and person’s realization what he or she would like to achieve in life. Working in community service is the best way to spend this year for a young person.
Unfortunately, most young people spend this year of vacation on travelling, getting acquainted with new people, attending parties, and enjoying their lives. This year is like a white stain on their lives – they do nothing but rest. Even those young people, who decide to devote this year to volunteering, do not do it out of kindness, but they are simply obliged to have this experience “I choose to volunteer because the Florida Academic Scholarship requires 75 hours by the time of graduation” (Small). If the requirements of colleges and universities act as an encouraging factor for young people to volunteer, then the more higher education institutions require this experience, the more young people would devote their time to working in community services. If young people need motivation to change the world for the better, then somebody should provide them with it.
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According to the survey, conducted among the students of Mills College, “The students who were engaged in some sort of community service in high school, were more likely to volunteer” (Tugend). People should realize that the world cannot change itself. Every person should contribute to its development. When an individual is determined to do something beneficial for the society, he or she should not think about friends who are not interested in such activities. The person should consider that his or her contribution counts. If every high school leaver does at least something for the society, even something inconsiderable, it will make the world more caring and kind. If to teach the representatives of this generation to be the part of the community, to be ready to help other people and improve the world, then they will share this knowledge with their children. Consequently, the members of the next generation will know that it is essential to care about the society and the world since childhood. The sooner a person understands it, the better contribution he or she will make to the world during the whole life.
According to a specialist in area extension from the University of Nevada, “Youth who volunteer gain important job skills and experience, while exploring career options” (Latham 3). When young people work in a community service, they learn how to be responsible, manage their time in relation to work and leisure every day. This experience is extremely valuable because when they enter a college or university, they will already know how to spend their time in an efficient way. In contrast, their group-mates who did not work in a community service would have no idea of how to do all assignments in time and have enough free time for hobbies.
Young people should be required to spend a year working in community services. This experience is valuable not only for young people themselves, but also for the society as a whole. Learning more about the processes and troubles in the society and world in adulthood will have a deep impact on a person’s future life and the life of following generations. Volunteering is also a significant school of life which will help a person in his/her future career. Therefore, volunteering is an activity that every person should try to engage in.